Hi, I'm Pia. I write this blog.

Sometime in 2011, I thought of creating this space as a way of making myself commit to regular writing. At the time, I'd taken a couple of years off from my career in advertising to muck around with my toddler, and wanted the blog to be a place where I would write only for writing's sake.

Not surprisingly, the blog started with food - I grew up in Calcutta, a city where food is always the easiest thing to talk about. Though at the time, I didn't know if my posts would be talking to anyone at all. So when strangers started writing in, no one was more surprised than I was. Through this space, I've made friends, and have had wonderful people reach out to me. For that, I'm always grateful.

The blog has also changed, shed many skins, since its first post. It has curved and bent and traveled in whichever way my life has gone. In a way, the blog is like the river I live next to now - it reflects bits of my life. Which I share with two remarkable human beings, who're also my closest friends and strongest allies - my husband and eight-year-old daughter. 


I wrote my first piece of fiction a few years starting this blog. I had not written fiction before, nor considered writing it. But there it was, this feeling. The faint outline of a story wanting to come out. So, as I do with most things, or with everything, I followed my nose.

That was three years ago. Since then much has happened, things that were unexpected, and so all the more wonderful. You can read some of my short stories linked below - they've been published in journals and anthologies in the UK, US, India, and is forthcoming in New Zealand.

Awards and attention

Winner of the 2017 Hamlin Garland Award
Third place at the Aestas Fabula Press Award, 2016
Longlisted for Hourglass Literary Magazine Contest, 2016
Longlisted for the Sunderland Short Story Award, 2016

Shortlisted for The Brighton Prize 2015
Longlisted for the Bath Short Story Award 2015
Highly commended at the Words & Women Competition 2014 and 2016

I'm currently working on my first novel and a collection of short stories (when not honing the fine art of procrastination, or just living life with D and my little girl).

You can read some of my published stories, essays and poetry online:


Dominoes in Lunch Ticket

Driving North on Berfrois
This story was also shortlisted for The Brighton Prize, longlisted for the Bath Short Story Award and published in an anthology called Rattle Tales.

Well-brought-up  on Litro
You can read readers' comments about 'Well-brought-up' here

Bilet on Tupelo Quarterly
You can read readers' comments about 'Bilet' here

Dancing in the Drawing Room on Structo Magazine  
You can read readers' comments about the story here 

Third From the Bottom on Visual Verse
[Flash fiction]

Things That Stick Like Glue on Wales Arts Review
[Flash fiction]


Eating Like a Bad Hindu, Huffington Post

The Smell of Old Books, River Teeth


Wildling, Lit Sphere, Strands Publishers


Advertising & Creative Consultancy
I've worked in advertising as a copywriter for more than a decade in ad agencies in Kolkata, Bangalore, Mumbai and London. I enjoy taking on interesting freelance assignments and working as a creative consultant. If you're interested in discussing a project, please drop me a note.


Email: peppercornsinmypocket@gmail.com
Twitter & Instagram @piaghoshroy

Photography & Copyright
I take all photographs on this blog using a Nikon D90, and sometimes just my iPhone.
Everything here - words and photographs - are my personal work, and is protected by copyright. Please do not use anything from this space without asking me or linking back to the blog.

Pia Ghosh-Roy, updated 2017


  1. Your blog is wonderful! I look forward to reading more and trying out a few of your recipes. Danielle B.

    1. Thanks Danielle :) It's lovely to have you here.

  2. Thanks to my friend who just introduced me to your blog! I also used to "work" as a creative writer with an advertising agency and I too like dark red cherries AND I like to think of food all the time. So it seems we do have things in common :-)
    Good to meet you!

    1. Hello, Prerna :)

      I remember stopping by your blog a long time ago. I think there was a photo of your little girl on her dad's shoulder; it had made me smile, and I'd popped you an email - unusual for me.

      Welcome to my space. Good to meet you too.

  3. Hello Pia :) I landed on your blog yesterday and seems like we have a few things in common. I have a two year old and I love red cheeries. Glad I found your blog. Good to meet you :)

    1. Hi Lail! It's lovely to 'meet' you :)
      The two-year old is a five-year old now; which remind me that I should probably update this section.
      Thanks so much for being here, and writing in.

  4. Hi Pia,

    I stumbled upon your blog and am glad to have. I loved the writing and the emotions in them. the recipes ofcourse are fabulous.

    Look forward to more and more posts.


    1. I don't know how your comment slipped me by. So, apologies for the terribly late reply, Fiona. Even the season has changed.
      But thank you so much for your kind words. They're much appreciated.

  5. Pia, I've followed you silently lurking and then jumping out to comment when I couldn't help myself.. As someone who has loved your blog since the day I discovered it, I have shared it on my blog, with a link. I hope that's okay with you.. If you want to read it, look here: http://haathitime.com/2014/04/22/what-im-reading/

    1. Thanks so much for 'jumping out to comment' - that's half the joy of putting this blog together :) The silent lurking is appreciated too. Will pop over to yours in a bit!

  6. Hey, Pia! Came to your blog via Haathi. LOVE your space. Can't get enough of it. Have been reading a few of your posts, and love the simple, warm, from-the-heart style in which you write. Will be back from more, regularly. :) You've found yourself a new fan.

    1. Hi there! Thanks so much for such a lovely note, and for reading. I love that you love my work. Welcome in :)

  7. Hi Pia,

    What a lovely blog you have here. You write beautifully. I look forward to more stories from you.


    1. Thanks for your kind words, Simi! And, welcome in - it's lovely to have you here.

  8. Hi Pia,

    You weave magic in your words. It almost feels like a picture reading your stories. I look forward to many more.


    1. Thanks Fiona, I look forward to having your company here :)

  9. Hello Pia I'm happy to have found you! Nice blog and nice pictures. Keep in touch .

    1. Roberto! How lovely to see you here :)
      I'm sure your family is thrilled to have you back after so many days.
      Please give them my regards!

  10. Deepa in California10 September 2014 at 14:09

    Hello Pia,

    I love reading blogs written by Indian ladies.. About life, travel, food, pretty much everything.. I came across your blog today (while reading some of the other blogs I read regularly) and I just love it.. I read all your posts from this year and last and will keep on catching up with your old posts.. I lived in Cambridge for 6 months in 2001 when I first left my home in India and I still have cherished memories of that beautiful place.. Some of your posts brings back those memories.. I live in California now.. Waiting to visit Cambridge once again.. You write so well, love your recipes and photos.. Keep up the good work..

    1. It's so lovely to hear from you, Deepa. Thank you for such a nice note!
      From Cambridge to California - you've certainly got a better deal where the sun is concerned. But if you ever head back here for a visit, give me a shout.
      And hopefully, I'll 'see' you here on the blog before then. Have a lovely weekend xx

  11. Pia, I couldn't stop reading your posts, one after the other. This blog is like a beautifully woven fabric - just the right texture, shade and fuzz - that makes one want to linger. And there I was, in the midst if reading Alice Munro. That says something, doesn't it?
    I'm so glad I visited. Please keep sharing the warmth.

    1. Pankhuri, a big hug for this lovely, lovely message. Alice Munro is one of my favourite writers, so the fact that you took a break there to read this is especially special. Much love xx

  12. Hi Pia, with what good luck I have bumped into your lovely blog!! You have built such a wonderful blog, each post is beautifully written with apt pictures to go with. Thank you for sharing life experiences with us and wish you the best in everything you do. Looking forward to more stories, pictures...

    1. How lovely to get your note, Vani - thank you for reading, and writing in. It's always wonderful to have that interaction, and it's a part of the blog that I really enjoy.
      Come again - I look forward to reading your thoughts!

  13. Hi Pia,
    I am soo grateful to Deepa from onesmallpot for introducing me to your wonderful blog! I love the way you think and write - so poignant and beautiful! Please keep it going...

    1. Hi Chitra! Thanks so much for coming along for my ride. The blog's a kind of journey, after all, and and it's always nice to have company. So, your note is much appreciated. Look forward to hearing from you again xx

  14. Happy New Year Pia!! I am eagerly awaiting your next blog post :)

    1. A very happy new year to you and yours, Anandita!
      Perhaps your note will push me into finishing the post I started writing...thanks for that! :)

  15. Hello Pia, i'am Juana from La Umbria de la Ribera. Ay we like to contact you outside air BNB.



Your comments make this blog worth writing. Thank you.